There are a few things to consider when getting
into oyster farming:
How much money, time and effort are you willing
to spend on it? An oyster farm can be as simple
as a float bag full of oyster seed tied to your dock
or as complex as 20 rows of longlines with 100
cages attached to each line. Obviously, the bigger
farm will take more time, effort and money.
See the
different farming options here
Why are you growing oysters? Are you
them just so you’ll have some for weekend guests
once in awhile? Do you want to do your part
to help clean up your
waterway? Do you want
to sell several thousand a week to your favorite
restaurant? The more oysters you want to grow,
the more involved your system will be.
Where are you located? Obviously, access
water is a must. For a simple float bag system, access to a dock is all
you need. For a more
complex tray or cage system, you will most likely have to lease oyster
grounds from the state.
Click to see an example of a Virginia oyster ground application.
Location is also a factor
due to Shellfish Sanitation standards.